Nebraskan Stories & Entertainment
Nebraskan Stories & Entertainment

Nebraskan Stories & Entertainment

A new platform that connects, and brings Nebraskan entertainment to a new level.

Join Free!

Welcome to the Good Life Network.

New Releases

Watch On Your Devices... Eventually
Watch On Your Devices... Eventually
Watch On Your Devices... Eventually
Watch On Your Devices... Eventually
Watch On Your Devices... Eventually

Watch On Your Devices... Eventually

Currently in Development, you will soon be able to download the GLN app on your iOS and Smart TV. So you can put this app right next to Netflix ;)

Ethos and Goals
Ethos and Goals

Ethos and Goals

  • Create freely without censorship.

  • Provide a place for new and emerging talent.

  • Share new ideas and Perspectives.

  • Connect and Support Community.

  • Produce high quality content that'll blow your socks off!


How are you giving back to the Community?

Great question. Giving back and being Nebraskan are synonymous. It's apart of our culture, which is why, we here at Good Life Network are also dedicated to helping our communities in any way we can. Wether that's monetary, or giving our time to tell stories that need to be told. Our goal is to grow community, through entertainment and story.

Where's all the Content?

Coming. Slowly but surely, which is why your support of signing up is so important to us. Lets us know who's excited about this! 

Can I Cancel Anytime?

Of course you can. But why, cause it's free.

How is it Free?

Honestly, we've gone back and forth on wether to charge or not. Charging a fee would mean no sponsored content. But until we establish value within the community, we can't really do that. So, we've decided to include sponsors on select series. Allowing us to still create freely, while also getting paid. TBD if that works or not.